The Cauldron

Spanish: "Sociedad Catolica Republicana"
English: "Catholic Republican Society"

Note: This "Catholic Republican Society" had been formed just four months prior to the publication of this edition of "El Perico". Ayala's work on the political parties in Ecuador traces its roots back to about 1883 and includes an extended discussion of it: "A group of the most extreme faction of the old Garcian party convened in Quito on August 15, 1885 approving the platform for the final constitution of the 'Catholic Republican Society'..."
-Ayala "Lucha Politica Y Origin de Los Partidos En Ecuador", p287

Ayala quotes a few articles from a document released by this organization; among them: " defend and propagate the healthiest religious and political principles while striving to banish radicals and demagogues... to promote the education and training of people, particularly children... to ensure the morality of all social classes fighting tenaciously against their common and harmful vices... A sincere and steadfast patriotism accompanied by true abnegation, is an indespensable condition of every member of society. Selfishness and provincialism have no place in society and its members should pay attention to principles and duties before individuals; to the interests of the Church and the Fatherland before their own interests. ". The document in its entirety is included in an appendix of Ayala's book.